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Class of 1963
Class of 1962
Class of 1961
Class of 1960
Class of 1959
Class of 1958
Class of 1957
Class of 1956
Class of 1955
Class of 1954
Class of 1953
Class of 1952
Class of 1951
Class of 1950
Class of 1949
Class of 1948
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Class of 1943
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ELHS 50+ Class Reunion  

Reunion for classes who have graduated from ELHS at least 50 years ago.


At the University Club, 3435 Forest Rd., Lansing, MI 48909


For the letter and registration form, click here This is a fillable form so you can just type in it , click on the print icon on the upper right corner.  Then mail it with your check to Maddy Trimby.

Article on How ELHS became East Lansing Hannah Commuity Center click here

Questions & suggestions – contact kuhnalberta@hotmail.com

For a copy of the Dedication Program of the 1957 East Lansing High School click here

East Lansing Educational Foundation Brochure click here

Photos from the FOURTEENTH ANNUAL 50 + Reunion - August  26, 2024

Classes from 1955 to 1962

Classes from 1964 to 1974

Photos from the THIRTEENTH ANNUAL 50 + Reunion - October 14, 2023

Classes of 1950 to 1959 


For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below 

Classes from 1960 to 1970

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below 


Photos from the TWELFTH ANNUAL 50 + Reuinion - September 17, 2022

Classes from 1950 to 1959.

Classes from 1960 to 1970

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below

Classes from 1960 to 1970

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here


For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below 

Classes of 1970

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here


Photos from the NINETH ANNUAL 50 + Reuinion - October 5, 2019

Classes from 1948 to 1959.

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here.

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below

Classes from 1960 to 1967

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here.

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below

Teachers and Counselors and Classes from 1968 and 1969

For a list of names of those in the photo above, click here

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below

Photos from the EIGHTH ANNUAL 50 + Reuinion - September 15, 2018

Classes from 1941 to 1960.

For a list of names of those in the above photos, click here

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below

For a list of names of those in the above photos, click here

Classes from 1961 to 1968

For a larger photo click on the thubmnail photo below

For a list of names of theose in the above photos, click here.

Photo from the SEVENTH ANNUAL 50+ reunion October 14-2017

For a larger photo click on thumbnail below.

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here.

Photo from the SIXTH ANNUAL 50+ reunion October 1-2016


For a larger photo click on thumbnail below.

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here

Photo from the FIFTH ANNUAL 50+ reunion October 10-2015

For a larger photo click on thumbnail below.

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here.

Photo from the FOURTH ANNUAL 50+ reunion October 11, 2014.

For a larger photo click on thumbnail below.

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here.

Photo from the THIRD ANNUAL 50 plus reunion October 5, 2013

For a larger photo click on thumbnail below.

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here

Photo from the SECOND ANNUAL 50 plus reunion October 6, 2012

For a larger photo click on thumbnail below.

For candid photos from the SecondAnnual 50+ Reunion click here

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here

 Photos from the FIRST ANNUAL 50+ Reunion 2011

For candid photos from the First Annual 50+ Reunion 2011 click here


For larger group photo click on thumbnail below.

For a list of the names of those in the above photos, click here


   Alberta (Wolf) Kuhn ('56) -

   Tom Klunzinger '62 -

   Maddy Trimby
   ('61) - Treasurer

   Ed Foster ('57) - Webmaster

   Committee Members:
   Gale Gower ('60)

   Linda (Church) Foster  ('57)

   Bill Struck ('66)